Wearing a bold lip is a commitment and the number one rule is to have the perfect lip line. Applying a matte formula makes this more achievable and there is less chance of error. To achieve the perfect line a good idea is to apply your lipstick and THEN carefully line the lip afterwards with a perfectly sharp and matching lip liner.
The warmer your skin tone the warmer the colour you should reach for is the general rule of thumb. But hey, rules can be broken AND if theres a colour you love then go for it !!
The simplest way to jazz up a boring outfit is to rock a bold lip or if you're wanting to turn your makeup from day to night then a bold lip is the easiest way. Nothing is more sexy than a bold lip, some great sunglasses and some killer heels.
A bold lips says “I’m brave, I'm confident and I'm fierce”
Be bold !! xx
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