As a seasoned makeup artist with over 14 years experience in the field, I hear from many clients who don’t quite understand how makeup artists vary so much in cost. If you’ve taken the time to gather quotes and compare prices, you will most likely notice there is a massive difference in prices. So, what makes one makeup artist more expensive than the next?
Quality of Products
Think of this like shopping at Target vs Mecca Cosmetica for your products. While a Target foundation can cost as little as $19, a fantastic foundation from Mecca Cosmetica can cost upwards of $90.
When you ask for a quote, also make sure you ask for a list of products your makeup artist uses. I only use MAC, Chanel, Makeup Forever HD, Napoleon and Inglot as I have complete confidence in the application, look and staying power of these products. They ARE much more expensive. Keeping my supplies well stocked is a continued expense.
Business Registration & Insurance
Professional makeup artists are required to be registered as a business and have up to date insurance policies. As we work in multiple locations and are client focussed, we need insurance to cover us in the event of a natural disaster, injury and more. This insurance isn’t cheap but ALL makeup artists should be covered. This will naturally increase the price of their service as their overheads are higher.
Be sure to check that your artist is registered and insured before progressing with their service.
As with all professions, makeup artists come armed with a range of training, skills and experience. A senior makeup artist for example has likely completed a diploma along with a considerable number of masterclasses and workshops. The time and cost associated with constant upskilling ensures you are receiving a superior service. This does mean that their fees will be charged out at a higher rate.
When you are searching for a makeup artist, take the time to check out their skills and experience. This will dramatically impact the quote you receive.
While the application of your makeup may take up to 2 hours to complete, your makeup artist spends considerable time before the appointment travelling and ensuring all products required for your look are available. If not, they will spend time purchasing these especially for you.
When your appointment is over, you’ll find your makeup artist lovingly cleaning their brushes and reorganising their products. Also, many makeup artists work over weekends and during the evening which in any other industry, would attract double rates.
Your session could quickly add up to over 5 hours worth of work but you may only see your artist for two of them.
A larger investment in your makeup artist generally means you will get a superior service. Before progressing with a makeup artist, take the time to research their experience, products they use and their overall professionalism.
Have you ever had your makeup done professionally? Were you happy with the finished look?